

Protecting Our Modern World

Corrosion of steel endangers lives, properties & causes detrimental financial figures to the owners. The impact is beyond repair & replacement of corroded bridges, facilities, and architectural steel. It includes the costs of unnecessary consumption of natural resources to constantly repair and maintain infrastructure, and lost productivity or lost opportunity. These costs can potentially escalate upwards from five to ten times the direct cost.

Hot Dip Galvanising is used widely around us everyday. We are in constant contact with Hot Dip Galvanised steel unconsciously from steel construction materials to aesthetic steel objects that are surrounding our daily lives. It is a highly effective & cost efficient method to protect fabricated steel, structural steel, castings, or small parts from corrosion.

When sending steel through the Hot Dip Galvanising process, it undergoes rigorous preparation work, chemical treatment to remove impurities before finally dipping into a kettle of molten zinc at a temperature of around 450°C. When exposed to the atmosphere, pure zinc reacts with oxygen to form zinc oxide, which further reacts with carbon dioxide to form zinc carbonate, a dull grey, fairly strong material that stops further corrosion in many circumstances, to deliver a reinforced metallurgically alloy bond that protects the steel from corrosion.

Selecting the most effective corrosion protection system is important, and your analysis of each method should include such things as the durability, maintenance schedule, coating’s service life, and initial and life-cycle costs.

Hot-dip galvanizing, with its superior durability, life-cycle cost, and maintenance schedule make it suitable for most applications.

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